is pleased to announce a new
6 Meter Amateur Net
50.170 USB
Tuesdays at 2100 hours
Hosted by Ken VE3KCY

The net  was started by Ken, VE3KCY and a few of his local hams.
 It takes place on Tuesday nights starting around 2100 hours.
 The frequency is 50.170 USB and all are welcome.
It is a gathering of hams that enjoy this band and we just yak, much like ONTARS.
It runs for an hour or less and it requires patience as it requires the use of beam antennas
for the most part and Ken usually has the centre position so he is turning his beam in circles.
Listen for Dave VE3EBM ,  David  VA3CP   as well as Ken  VE3XBL to join us.

                 This page created and hosted by Barry VE3ISX

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