Anniversary Update: 8th January 2025

Wednesday 8th January 2025 - 53rd Anniversary
controller roster and history of ONTARS net managers.

This net funded and managed by Barry VE3ISX...Thanks to our sponsors!
We remember John VE3MFA and Vince VA3DV both Silent Keys as of 2024
SPECIAL thanks to VE3OZW our assistant net manager!
For maintaining the daily MATRIX and management.

We thank our 22 controllers for their time and dedication during this event

ONTARS 51st Anniversary Controller Matrix

ONTARS 53rd Anniversary Net Control Schedule
Ontario Amateur Radio Service CALLSIGN OPERATOR
7:00 am WB2KAO Tim (0 - 34)
7:30 am WB3JIA Bill (46-80)
8:00 am VA3GS Grace (22 - 102)
8:30 am VE3RWB John ( 66 - 168)
9:00 am VE3EBM Dave ( 31- 199)
9:30 am VE3EI Dave ( 34-233)
10:00 am VE3KCY Ken (28-261)
10:30 am VA3RCA Kevin (28-289)
11:00 am VA3UP Scott (27- 316)
11:30 am VE3DX Wain (24-340)
12:00 am VE3HFC Brian (23-363)
12:30 am VE3DYY Gerry (22-386)
1:00 pm VA3DU John (24- 410)
1:30 pm VA3XV Randy (22-432)
2:00 pm VA3RE Mark (27 - 459 )
2:30 pm VE3CZ Linda (28 - 487 )
3:00 pm VE3ISX Barry (36-523)
3:30 pm VE3CAK John Henry (39 - 562 )
4:00 pm VE3LAD Rick ( 36 - 598 )
4:30 pm VE3IJD Gene (41 - 680)
5:00 pm VE3CMM Mike (43 - 723 )
5:30 pm VE3GIO Larry (47 - 770 )
Each controller will operate for 1/2 hour

 ONTARS anniversary controller roster -  Last year: 8th January 2024 
Call Sign
7:00 AM  WB2KAO Tim
8:00AM VA3GS Graced
8:30 AM VE3IJD Gene
9:00 AM VE3KCY Ken
9:30 AM VE3EI Dave
10:00 AM VE3AXT Paul
10:30 AM VE3RWB John
11:00 AM VA3UP Scott
11:30 AM VE3DX Waine
12:00 Noon VE3HFC Brian
12:30 PM VE3FJN Colin
1:00 PM VA3DU John
1:30 PM VE3IXX Bob
2:00 PM VA3QW Dennis
2:30 PM VA3RE Mark
3:00 PM VE3ISX Barry
3:30 PM VE3MF Bob
4:00 PM VE3LAD Rick
4:30 PM VA3MW Mike
5:00 PM VE3CMM Mike
5:30 PM VE3GIO Larry

 ONTARS Net Manager History - 1972 to 2022 
Call Sign
Net Manager
VE3BC  Bruce Carveth Toronto
VE3FQV Bill Burchill London
VE3CLK Bill Findlay Port Credit
VE3AQ Morley  Jackson London
VE3FQV Bill Burchill London
VE3HFR Dick Shunn Orillia
VE3LVE Gabrielle Turner London
VE3RM Ross Miller Kingston
VE3RJD Ralph Darlington Magnetawan
VE3PRG Allyn Pollock Jackson's Point
VE3PSV Shawn Gartley Cambridge
VA3OU Hart Bayne Richmond Hill
VE3HMS Ian Cope South River
VE3ISX Barry Lisoweski Hamilton


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