Laurentian Net History
3.755 Mhz LSB Monday to Sunday
as told by Grace VA3GS   March 2021

Updated  21st December 2024

I am sorry for taking so long but the truth is I really have not gathered much information about the Laurentian net.
 I have asked a few people but they were on the net only a few years before I was.
 Bill VE3 BEK told me they are using this month to celebrate 60 years of the Laurentian net.
 I do know that when I got on the radio in 1975 it was a very active net.
 We had people from Timmins and from some of the smaller places around there.
Then we worked our way down highway 11 to North Bay, a father & a son in Cobalt.
 I think at that time Tony VE3 AXW was up around Sturgeon Falls.
 There were several people in Sudbury, Espanola and Elliot lake.
 There were 3 McCourt brothers, Keith in Espanola, Jim in Elliot Lake & Ron in Wawa.
They often got together for a chat and several others might join them.  Ken Hagar was a very active ham in Blind River.
There were a couple of hams on St. Joseph Island and quite a few in Sault Ste. Marie.
I don’t remember anyone checking in from the Manitoulin at that time.
I just remember this being a busy half hour and a lot of fun, and from my time 1975 through the 1980’s conditions were very good.
 I remember hearing Ed in Shillington one time when he was doing the net.
A fellow called in from further south and he said this is Merve in Bathe, Ed said “Alright.  This is Ed in shower”.
Grace VA3GS

3.755 MHz LSB 6:00PM (1800 hours) Monday to Sunday
Call Sign Name Day
VA3DU John Monday
VE3AR Luc Tuesday
VA3GS Grace Wednesday
VE3RQR Bob Thursday
VA3IRV Irv Friday
VE3HZQ Pat Saturday
VE3BEK Bill Sunday

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